Monday, February 14, 2011

The Aforementioned Cat

Bailey. Given that he served as my muse for the title of this blog, I may as well introduce him early on. Here's his professional head shot:

Notice the smushed nose and freakishly large eyes. Dylan calls them "Disney eyes." I say they're alien eyes. Whatever--they're freaky.

Classic Boo. Loudly begging to be fed. He is the most food-motivated creature I've ever met.

Lickin' his chops. This is how Bailey would prefer to look at all times.

As I lazed about on a glorious, rainy Saturday in Portland, I decided to put out a yoga mat to see if I could get Bailey to stretch on it so it would look like he was doing coga (cat yoga). No such luck. He'll do anything for food, though. So I put one, tiny treat inside a laundry basket to see what he would do. He toppled the basket onto its side, nabbed the treat, and trotted off triumphantly. A while later, as I pondered my template design options, I noticed Bailey peek into the basket again (hoping for more food?). This time, he didn't quite manage to escape the basket's clutches, unwittingly imprisoning himself beneath it. (Hilarious). Witness his escape attempt:

I'm happy to report that he eventually succeeded. The laundry basket now lies unpawed in the middle of the living room floor.


  1. what an amazing sequence photo shot...he is specially handsome in his professional head face shot...i now believe that bailey is actually a space cat who escaped a spaceship and landed in your laps, he is quite different from other felines...the fact that he cannot jump up your kitchen counter has an explanation: bailey did not have the pull of gravity while on a spaceship traveling throughout other universes, therefore he never had to master the task of jumping up against gravity... he just doesn't know how to do it!!! and by the way, his eyes are so big because they have 2 functions: for vision and for antennas to keep in touch with other space- alien, i didn't know i could be so cheesy..

  2. I would just like all of my readers to know that the author of the previous comment, is, in fact... my mother. This is where 50% of my genes come from. And I couldn't be happier. :)
